Friday, January 22, 2010

The Job

Good Day!

Yesterday I told you a little about my critter family, today I will tell you a bit about my extended family with my job. I have been in health care off and on for 32+ years. Out of all the jobs I have had I always seem to go back to health care. At the present time I do home health care. I have worked in many Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Homes but I really like the home health care system. Having only one client at a times gives me one on one and I feel they get much better care. I strive to keep the elderly or those with terminal diseases in their home if that is what they want. One does become very attached even to the crabbiest of them which makes it even harder when one passes but it also makes you feel very good to know you helped make it possible for them to live out their last wish. They very much become my other family and I grieve when I loose them but it really does the heart and soul good to know you truly gave them the best possible care and confront you could at the end of their life.

My last client the family called to see if I would interested in helping with his 24-7 care. He had been treated for throat cancer and then it went to lung cancer. He was an elderly gentleman still fully aware of what was going on in his life (this was a first for me) he had accepted what he was dealt but by no means happy about it. He was very easy to care for but he grumble about they had taken his smokes and Crown Royle away from me. He stated to me one day, Why did they take these things I enjoy away as it isn't going to make me better? I had to agree. My shift was from 8:00 A.M. Friday to 8:00 A.M. Monday. One Friday morning after I got there and the girl before me had left, he told me to shut his oxygen off and he lit up a smoke, I said nothing. He had his smoke and we turn the oxygen back on. The next time I came the same thing, then he went to his chair in the living room and pointed to a hiding place, I opened the door a bottle of Crown. "Pour some in my coffee cup" he said I did. Nervous his family would catch us and be mad at me but it was his wish and after what was I there for? To make him as happy and comfortable to the end. The family told me they knew and were fine with it what a relief. This sweet little ole' man had his crabby days but I never flinched when bit and we went on. This was a family that truly care and made me a part of their family. I was able to send almost a month with man before the angels came. He passed when I was not there in his sleep, he went very peacefully. His favorite song was Waltz across Texas and I was doing good at the funeral until they played his song then I lost it. We had listened to that song many times in the short time I was there and he was so happy listening to it. He will always be in my heart!

My current client is a feisty 87 year old man. An acquaintance of ours called me one night to see if I could come up and help him out. I got there and I could tell he was sick. I didn't realize until I got there I was going to be staying. The next day he was worse and one of his boys called to see how he was doing and I said not good. We both tried to get him to go to the hospital but he was having none of it. Did I mention this man is stubborn, well this would be an understatement! By the next day it was like he has to go I couldn't get him to eat or drink much and he was dehydrated and I figured his kidneys were starting to shut down. I decided he was going to the hospital! Still he fought the hired man and myself. We finally got him up but he tried to sit back down, I told him, " You know as a kid I was my grandfather's cattle dog and if you don't help us a little here I will bite you in the butt!" He looked at me and grinned but he went along willing then. He ended up in the hospital for two weeks before I got him back. He had told me before we took him he wanted to die in his cabin and I promised him he could but we had to get him well because it wasn't his time yet. When I we to visit him in the hospital he did not remember our first few days together. He was a very sick man and if we hadn't gotten him to the hospital when we did he probably would not of made it, it was touch and go for awhile. I spend nine days at a time with him, the hired man spends five. He is a joy to be around even though he tries to be intimidating at times. He says everyone is afraid of him and I look him in the eye and say,"Everyone but me!" His reply is always, "I know" He too smoked and like his drink. Well I flat refused to let him smoke as he would be right back in the hospital. He gets his drink and complains how mean I am not to let him smoke. He came home on oxygen 24-7 and I am proud to say he no long needs it! His last trip to the doctor he got a clean bill of heath and told him to listen to his care giver. This week is my week off and he called me yesterday to tell me he missed me and what a good job I had been doing for him. I cried when I got off the phone. It is so nice to know that by helping a total stranger at first they have grown to love and treat you like family. My days of staying nine days at a time are going to come to an end some I think but I will still be going up and clean, cook and help him out. Although this man is 97 he is working on a new project to make money and I am sure he will pull it off. We got him well and he doesn't need us 24-7 now but I will still be a big part of his life until its his time. Like I told him though he is a strong and fairly healthy man yet he will probably out live me! And at times I truly believe that.

So this is my other job and I love it very much! I am here for anyone that needs although I would rather no one ever need me! So if I do not post for long periods you will know I am at work and cannot get to the Internet. Until next time.....

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